My practice is dedicated to those individuals who desire living with deeper purpose and awareness in their lives. 

As I decided to dedicate my life and career to recovery and healing, I realized that there had to be a better way than just pharmaceuticals and talk therapy. We are not given a reference guide on how to navigate emerging adulthood and its milestones. Many of us realize we are stuck in some type of holding pattern where the ego is driving us to destructive thoughts and ensuing behaviors. Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be a unique platform to cultivate data points of healing and transcendence through skills and insight.

As a licensed psychotherapist, I specialize in getting to the root cause of all interruptions and obstacles through various integrative modalities including evidence-based practices such as advanced Cognitive Behavioral Techniques (CBT) including interfaces of Buddhist Psychology and Mindfulness and EMDR to address false narratives and programs that cause breakdowns in the psyche.

I consider myself an engineer of recovery from psychic pain. I am a collaborative conduit introducing elevated states of awareness and truth that activate a client's connection and perception to their optimized self, inner child, divine intelligence and pure awareness. I am committed to facilitating and helping guide both my clients and students who want a life, body, mind, and spirit that align with their true authentic self. I enjoy helping both clients and students find their way as they marry their aspirations and intentions. The journey of psychotherapy can be one that is equally challenging and rewarding.

In Metta, Erin Gade

  • Five questions to reflect on when considering therapy.

  • Is my day to day functioning or overall trend of living problematic or distressing?

  • How do my current behaviors and reactions to situations impact my daily functioning? How do I change my story?

  • How do I fulfill my potential?

  • What is getting in my way?

  • Am I ready to do the work that it takes to discover myself and my true potential?

Erin Gade, LCMHC, has transcended her past adversities to pay it forward for others who have been impacted by their challenges. She continues to focus her career on helping individuals find their space and healing. Erin draws upon an effective framework to foster a safe space and learning environment that facilitates learning skills in tandem with insight gathering to discover resilient adaptation with links of memory to traumatic experiences and behavioral patterns that no longer serve them with mindful compassion.

In 2016, the fearless founding of the Center for Strong Mind, Strong Body, was predicated by Erin's pioneering work in the treatment of trauma and anxiety disorders from her leading of Intensive Outpatient group therapy sessions for both men and women while she led Yoga and Pilates classes to bridge mind, body, and spirit, with community. Aware that more traditional and Westernized treatments focus primarily on the metrics of symptom reduction, Erin endeavored to find a more effective and compassionate way to treat the conditions that impact the entire system of the body, mind, spirit, and community.

Employing a multifaceted system that engages clients more comprehensively, Erin expounded her career focus, based on her decades of experience implementing the Hatha Bikram method, trauma-informed yoga, and EMDR protocols to meet the client’s personalized treatment goals that could be measurable and effective with overall higher satisfaction and efficacy. Much of her time has been dedicated to her private practice in Vermont and teaching trauma-informed yoga and Bikram Hatha Yoga, as a specialist in Complex PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other disorders caused by the effects of trauma and adversity. She has focused her career on studying and practicing treatments that stabilize physiology, increase executive functioning, and help traumatized individuals to feel fully alert and mindful of the present and to be the best versions of themselves through an eclectic approach implementing advanced CBT, EMDR, and DBT, Jungian, IFS, and Gestalt modality interventions.

Erin relies heavily on evidence and continuing education credits with a four-pronged approach: using the mind, body, spirit, and community to discover resources of strength. Erin believes that recovery is possible and that all of us are deserving of a healthier and more peaceful existence. Erin enjoys working with individuals who are ready to do the work with authenticity and radical acceptance. Erin considers this work, an honor, with humility, professionalism in each therapeutic relationship, and a sense of wonder.