Erin’s Approach

Erin Gade, LCMHC, EMDR II, has been working with the continuum of Trauma Challenges for 25 years. She fuses psychotherapy and Hatha yoga in her private practice, supervision, and retreats. Rooted in a holistic and integrative perspective, she specializes in trauma, anxiety, and addictions. Erin offers a relational, cultural, psychospiritual approach that is influenced by science and empirically validated studies in pursuit of helping to foster a life of peaceful well being and flourishing with the demands of the 21st modern society.

Erin provides services for individuals, couples, and families, along with clinical supervision that face the challenges of living and thriving with the pressures and demands of a past narrative, the current, and the future. 

Erin is influenced by the contributions of Ellen Shapiro, Carl Jung, Carolyn Myss, Bessel Van Der Kolk, Dave Emerson, Byron Katie, Erik Erickson, John Bowlby, Mary Ainsworth, Aaron Beck, and Pat Ogden.

Whether you are looking for a path to more meaning, regulating emotions, stabilization in your work and family relationships, want to make sense of your past, tolerating distress, or housing your spirit in a body that wants to be there, Erin remains dedicated to helping individuals discover their mind, body, spirit, and community.

  • Erin employs an eclectic mix if various therapy modalities including CBT, EMDR and Gestalt.

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a short-term approach that allows you to address your goals by considering the thoughts, feelings, and experiences that support desired behaviors. This is a great option for you if you have a short-term goal you want to achieve, and desire the support and accountability that a therapist can provide.

    Gestalt Therapy is another holistic form of therapy that encourages you to explore your relationship with different parts of the world outside of your experiences, in order to understand how those relationships impact your experiences. Gestalt Therapy is a great option for someone who is comfortable healing from conflict through role playing.

    Yoga Therapy can be used as a treatment or preventative method in maintaining both your mental and physical health. Many view Yoga Therapy as an opportunity for meditation, and it has often been found to be effective in treating depression and anxiety when coupled with talk therapy.

    Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) promotes healing by providing skills to manage difficult emotions. Your therapist incorporates mindfulness, self-awareness, emotion regulation, and interpersonal communication into your treatment plan. DBT is a great modality if you are struggling with stress or anxiety, or if you find yourself overwhelmed by strong emotional reactions. DBT can consist of group therapy sessions in addition to the individual sessions with the therapist.

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is a structured form of healing that requires you to revisit painful and traumatic experiences in order to reduce the triggers and feelings of negativity towards the experience. You will be asked to focus on the trauma while your therapist helps to control the bilateral stimulation via controlled eye movements.

  • Erin draws upon an effective framework to foster a safe space and learning environment that facilitates learning skills in tandem with insight gathering in order to discover resilient adaptation with links of memory to traumatic experiences and behavioral patterns that no longer serve them with mindful compassion.

  • Aware that more traditional and westernized treatments focus primarily on the metrics of symptom reduction, Erin endeavored to find a more effective and compassionate way to treat the conditions that impact the entire system of the body, mind, spirit, and community. Employing a multifaceted system that engages clients in a more comprehensive way, Erin expounded her career focus, based on her decades of experience implementing Hatha Bikram method, trauma informed yoga, and EMDR protocols to meet the clients personalized treatment goals that could be measurable and effective with overall higher satisfaction and efficacy.